The Cosmic Librarian
Consultant, Researcher, Evolutionary Activist, and Experiencer of the Super Natural
What is your story?
Michio Kaku and the 3 Stages of Consciousness
Scientists and philosophers have pondered and attempted to define the nature of consciousness for hundreds of years. I feel it is safe to say that there is no real consensus as to what consciousness is, other than we think/know it exists. Researchers are even looking for evidence of consciousness in other species, although it is not clearly defined to the satisfaction of everyone, and I am including theologians and all spiritual and philosophical belief systems when I say that. Consciousness would appear to be a relative term, and the medical field has its own take and definition of it too.
In the video above, well-known, theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku explains his definition of consciousness. He states that there are three stages of consciousness:
Kaku goes on to define consciousness as "...creating multiple feed-back loops to create a model of yourself in space in regards to to others in time, in order to satisfy certain goals."
While Kaku brings up many fascinating points, like many scientists, he focuses on the brain as the seat of consciousness. The brain is pretty important, along with the heart, in that it keeps the whole body up and running. But is it where consciousness originates? I don’t know anything for sure about this, but my own experiences tell me that consciousness is more of a ‘field’ that we tap into through our hearts and brains, but once they quit functioning, the field is still there and we also remain a part of it, just as we did when the brain was functioning and the heart was pumping blood. The physical body and its experiences are our challenge, and also how we experience and add to the ‘body’ of knowledge and experience of the Field of Consciousness.
Consciousness may be a lot like a computer in that it contains (all) information, with constant interaction and upgrades and updates ongoing. Consciousness may be nothing more than a field of ‘Being,’ in love with everything and every experience. Of course, there are lots of unpleasant people, things, and experiences in the mix too, but that does not necessarily negate the 'love' aspect, or even new creation, since maybe one of the reasons that we are here is to get past judgment and create something new. In a sense, perhaps we are co-creators of the Field of Consciousness.
Kaku did tap into some ideas about ‘thinking’ that were kind of unique, especially when he discussed the criminal mind, and how criminals are not really at ‘fault’ for their crimes due to how their brains perceive life. In that sense, and taken into the context of a ‘soul’ experience, he was spot on, except he did not link the brain to the programming for experience by that soul, and its direct connection to consciousness. (The fact that he perceives the criminals as not being at ‘fault’, indicates a certain level of compassion that he is expressing in scientific terms, but only he knows, on a personal level, if that is a part of himself that is also expressing ‘love’ for them, despite their human flaws.)
If you notice, towards the end of the video Kaku doesn’t even want to tackle the idea of the soul, which is probably a huge component of all of this. What’s odd is that his own consciousness is firing in some pretty interesting ways that he may not even be aware of, so he is in a sense ‘unconsciously conscious’. As a scientist, he may be on the right track,
Or perhaps another brilliant physicist, Edward Witten, may be closer to the truth when he recently stated:
*"I think consciousness will remain a mystery. Yes, that's what I tend to believe. I tend to think that the workings of the conscious brain will be elucidated to a large extent. Biologists and perhaps physicists will understand much better how the brain works. But why something that we call consciousness goes with those workings, I think that will remain mysterious. I have a much easier time imagining how we understand the Big Bang than I have imagining how we can understand consciousness... "
The Cosmic Librarian The Co
* Source: Scientific American, August 18, 2016
Cosmic Stew